While I was watching the fourth series of John Adams,

it occurred to me that which of the founding fathers will appeal to girl the most

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In this first episode, we can get a sense of what kind of person John Adams is,

how close he is to Abigail and the ferment before the revolution.

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Abigail 的讚譽

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This couple is known as one of the most romantic couples in the American history.

So, we are interested about the love story and events between them.

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John Adams & Thomas Jefferson

(1)   http://www.homeofheroes.com/profiles/profiles_jeffadams.html

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《康科德之歌》這首詩是為謳歌康科德之戰的英雄而作,並在l 837年的康科德革命愛國志士紀念碑落成典禮上作為讚歌吟唱。


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the freedom trail in Boston


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the website address:


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Main Theater

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Suggested Reading

War for America Black, Jeremy, War For America: The Fight for Independence 1775-1783 . Provides a clear narrative of the war, taken year by year, with good chapters on some of the later years that are often skipped over. Also contains a good selection of quotes from participents in the conflict.


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